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I’m talking with Rachel Martin, single mom of 7, speaker, and author of the Brave Art of Motherhood.
Rachel believes in the power of the human spirit to overcome, to thrive and to find deep joy. Her articles have been translated into over 25 languages, her site, finding, reaches millions of visitors per month and she has an awesome Facebook community.Rachel has been featured in The Huffington Post, iVillage, The Today Show, Star Tribune, Stuff New Zealand, PopSugar, Motherly, Parents, What to Expect, NBC Parents, IJR, Dr. Greene, and many more.
She speaks worldwide encouraging moms and entrepreneurs to live each day with purpose and drive.
Rachel and I talk about the different kinds of strength we need in the stages of motherhood, perfectionism, why she finally decided she needed to take control of the dire financial struggles she faced, shame, vulnerability, and how to show ourselves compassion.
I’ve read Rachel’s book and it comes at a really good time for those of us who are trying to live comfortably in imperfection and accept the life we have, versus the life we picture in our heads. You know the one…that Pinterest/Instagram/brag worthy life? Yeah, none of us has that. Rachel talks about some tangible ways we can take control of life, accept the imperfection, and pursue goals and dreams for ourselves…RIGHT NOW, and not just someday.
Sooooo, Rachel and I partnered up and one way you can be inspired AND support this very podcast, is to grab a copy of Rachel’s book RIGHT HERE and a portion of the sale will go right back to supporting this show that you love so much.
I really did love Rachel’s book, and I know you won’t be disappointed!
Rachel and I talk about different kinds of strength. Moms tend to get stuck in survival mode. When your kids are under 2, you’re just keeping them alive. When your kids are under 5 you’re in that survival time.
It’s important to determine where you are in your story and determine what kind of strength you need in that time.
How about an antidote for perfectionism? Perfectionism is an attempt to control life. Rachel talks about her divorce and some debilitating financial situations she was in. She rediscovered how to do life. She came to a point when she felt like her life was snowballing and there was nothing she could do to control it. It was eye opening for her to learn how to move and redirect the snowball rather than try to stop it.
Rachel used her roles as a mom and home maker as an excuse to not dive into her finances. She talks about the life she portrayed, versus what was really going on behind the scenes. When she got divorced, she realized she had to reclaim her finances for the sake of teaching her kids.
“What would you say to the suburban mom who’s trying to make it look like she has it all together?”
Tune in to find out what Rachel’s answer was!
We talk about shame. Shame makes us think we’re alone.
Do you think you should have had it figured out already?
Rachel has a special message about this!
Memorable “Rachel quotes” from our chat:
“There’s no perfect…only real.”
“Guilt denies the truth.”
Don’t forget to grab a copy of Rachel’s book, The Brave Art of Motherhood, here!
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