Today I’m talking to Brittany and Heather, self proclaimed as the “Okayest Moms.” Brittany is a business owner, a mom of two, and she’s named her minivan, Vana White.Heather is is an elementary school teacher turned stay at home mom of two, turned unlikely autism advocate.
Together they run the Okayest Moms community, where women are encouraged that OKAY is just right. At the heart of an Okayest Mom is a single message: Choose what’s important to you and let go of all the rest. And that’s exactly what we talk about.
Not only do I feel comfortable with these women in my vulnerability, but in my okay-ness as a mom. I also laughed out loud during this episode when I went back and listened. So, grab a cup of coffee or something stronger, kick your feet back, and listen to our “okayest” conversation.