Mindfulness is starting to be something of a buzzword lately, and if you haven’t heard about it yet, you will. It’s also a practice I’ve been learning more about and that I’m passionate that all women would benefit from.
Today, I’m talking to mindfulness expert, Shonda Moralis. Shonda is a women’s mindful empowerment coach, speaker, and psychotherapist in private practice. She believes that when women empower themselves and create life balance, they unleash the capability for incredible accomplishments. The author of the award-winning, Breathe, Mama, Breathe: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Busy Moms, Shonda lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and two kids, loves to play outside, and is perennially fascinated by what makes people tick. Her upcoming book, Breathe, Empower, Achieve: 5-Minute Mindfulness for Women Who Do It All is now available for pre-order (The Experiment Publishing, October 2019).
Shonda tells us about what mindfulness actually IS, and how we can practice it, even as busy moms.
Seriously, she has something for EVERY mom: Working moms, stay at home moms, moms of infants, toddlers and she even has a little nugget for moms of teenagers.
One of my favorite parts of this episode is when Shonda talks about what to do when we aren’t enjoying every part of motherhood. You know, when the older lady in the grocery store says ‘enjoy every moment,’ and you feel guilty when you don’t because the kids are screaming and spilling stuff and throwing up on you? How are we supposed to enjoy THAT moment and so, SO many like it? Shonda has encouragement for us.
You can find Shonda at…
Facebook: @shonda.moralis.7