Okay, if your littles are around and you’re not quite ready to talk about the baby dance, this might be an episode to put in the earbuds or listen when they’re not around. While the topic is healthy and clean, this is your warning.
Cindy Scharkey is a health care professional leading educational conversations about sexual health. She is passionate about breaking the silence surrounding women’s sexuality and empowering parents with knowledge and confidence to be their child’s sexual health educator. She is married to the love of her life, and they have three adult daughters.
Cindy offers sex education and resources through her newsletter, blog and the Permission for Pleasure podcast. Through her workshops and private consultations, she is on a mission to provide the comprehensive sex education that every woman needs.
Cindy gives us a survival guide for how to talk to our kids about this subject that can feel scary, overwhelming, and awkward. It’s more than just about the Birds and the Bees which, Cindy feels strongly we should abolish that term. She helps us to be prepared for the inevitable questions that will come, how to feel emboldened not to shy away from them, and the HUGE favor we can do for our daughters by talking openly about sex and pleasure.