Do you have a list of podcasts you want to binge on, but wonder how in the world to find the time to actually tune in?
I consider myself the queen of multi-tasking. This is usually not a good thing (nothing ever gets completely done when I multi-task) but in this case, I make a huge exception. Podcasts are meant to be playing in the background while you do other things. So, as your supreme multi-tasking queen, I give you 20 things you can do while you listen to a podcast (I have done every single one of these with a show in my earbuds):
- Working Out
- Going for a walk or hike
- Doing laundry
- Driving your kids to school/sports/anywhere else
- Doing dishes
- Pulling weeds
- Mowing your lawn
- Shoveling snow
- Organizing your closet
- Taking a bath
- Doing data entry
- Cooking dinner
- Waiting for sports practice to end
- On your lunch break
- On a road trip
- Grocery shopping
- Getting your hair done
- Getting a mani-pedi
- Hanging pictures
- Getting an oil change